国际视野International Vision

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School Supervisor lead you to a journey of dream – experience American custom and culture


To be the future leaders of the world, our students require international visions. Today, our school supervisor Dr. Maggie Lam brings us to experience the unique custom and culture of the United States. You definitely have a lot of rewards.           


After 13 hours of flight, the plane finally landed at Los Angeles International Airport. Our school chairman and supervisor arrived at the United States. The purpose of this visit was to learn more about the local culture and education in the United States and to further understand its educational system and pave the way for Chun Wing's students to go abroad for further studies. "The children of Chun Wing are our children," said the school supervisor. "This is my commitment to the children and the parents – cultivate leaders with international perspectives."



洛杉矶(英语:Los Angeles),缩写为L.A.,简称洛城)位于美国加利福尼亚州南部,有「天使之城」之称。当地的著名学府包括南加州大学、加州理工学院、加州大学洛杉矶分校等,是世界学子向往的求学圣地。所以此次寻梦之旅,校监共探访了两所知名大学:南加州大学和美国西岸南加州东洛杉矶学院。

Los Angeles (L.A.) is located in the southwestern part of California, and has the name of "Angel City". The famous local universities there includes: University of Southern California, California Institute of Technology, University of California at Los Angeles and other world-renowned institutions of higher learning. They are the holy land for students around the world. In this “dream” trip, school supervisor visited two well-known universities in the West Bank of the United States of California: South East Los Angeles College and the University of Southern California.


 南加州大学(英语:University of Southern California,缩写USC),简称南加大,也译作南加利福尼亚大学,位于加州洛杉矶市中心,由监理会于1880年创立,是加州最古老的私立研究型大学,世界著名的高等学府。更是一家「造梦工厂」,盛产电影明星和体育明星。其电影艺术学院世界一流,体育学院所荣获的奥林匹克运动会奖牌数量,位列全球大学之首。南加大同时拥有两座由国家科学基金会(NSF)提供资金设立的工程研究中心(ERC)——专门研究网络及多媒体的综合多媒体系统中心(IMSC)以及微电子生物系统中心(BMES)。此外,南加大被美国国土安全部选为第一所国土安全卓越中心。

The University Of Southern California (USC), founded in 1880, located at the centre of L.A., is the oldest researching University in L.A. It is also a dream factory, producing movie stars and sports stars. The Academy of motion picture arts is world class, while the Institute of sports has won the largest number of Olympic medal in the world.



卫德尼校友馆(Widney Alumni House)是USC自1880年创校时的第一栋建筑物,纯白洁净的校友馆很难看出她已陪伴USC走过一百多年,第一届毕业生就是在这里上课,1955年被加州政府列为历史地标。

************的影视艺术学院(School of Cinematic Arts),是美国历史最悠久和最大的电影学院,随着好莱坞的电影工业发展,造就了不少电影界人才。











        特洛伊铜像(Tommy Trojan)在广场的一侧,是USC著名的精神象征,USC学生和校友称作自己是Trojan,奉行理想特洛伊人的五大特质:诚信(Faithful)、智识(Scholarly)、灵巧(Skillful)、勇气(Courageous)及抱负(Ambitious)。


Wandering in the campus, you can see students of different races with sunny and confident faces. Yes, it is an inclusive, open and innovative institution of higher education. It has been open and welcoming elites from all over the world and it became one of the most competitive Universities in U.S.

美国东洛杉矶学院 – 2年制公立大学


U S East Los Angeles College - 2 year public university 

A guarantee for the admission to prestigious schools 

美国西岸南加州东洛杉矶学院 (ELAC) 已迈进第72周年,是充满国际、多元化的2年制公立大学,学院提供专业学术课程,同时鼓励个人成长和发展。目前拥有超过26,000名学生,其中包括300多名国际学生,占地84英亩,设备包括:教育中心、计算机室、书店、图书馆、著名画家达文西美术馆、可容纳两万人的露天体育场(曾是1984年洛杉矶奥运会的比赛场地)、两千人的大剧场及设有1,500座位的室内泳池。学院的学生可转往加州洛杉矶大学、哈佛大学、加州州立大学、南加州大学等知名学府就读。

East Los Angeles Institute (ELAC) got 72 years history, is a highly internationalized and diversified two year public University. It offers a variety of professional academic courses, and it is one of California's top community colleges. It also encourages personal growth and development. College students can be transferred to the California University of Los Angeles, Harvard University, California State University, the University of Southern California. It has become one of the most competitive universities in the United States, with both the film academy and the Elderly Institute ranked number one in the United States. 

美国西岸南加州东洛杉矶学院 (ELAC)





Last time, students went to Hong Kong and rewarded a lot. They are wondering how would school supervisor arrange for the next journey?

博览会公园(Exposition Park)

博览会公园(Exposition Park)位于南加州洛杉矶(Los Angeles)南区的南加大旁, 为1984年洛杉矶奥林匹克运动会旧址.

除了有当时的运动场外, 公园内还有洛杉矶自然历史博物馆, 加州科学中心, 玫瑰花园和非裔美国人博物馆.

Expo Park is located in South California, Los Angeles (southern part of Los Angeles), the site of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. In addition to the sports venues, there are also the Los Angeles Museum of natural history, the California Science Center, the rose garden and the African American Museum.







There is a big rose garden park near the museum. Roses are blooming and pleasing your eyes. There is also Hydrangea around the park, and there is a fountain in the middle of the park. Going south is the California Science Center, and further south is the Los Angeles Memorial Stadium, where the summers Olympics were held. Walking you’re your friends in the flowers and appreciating the different kinds of roses, you will find that time slips by without knowing it.




科学博物馆 Science Museum

加利福尼亚科技中心 California Science and Technology Centre

航天飞机勇往号馆(Space Shuttle “Endeavour” Museum)可以说让加州科学中心甚至是南加州洛杉矶成为全美国甚至全球唯一可以亲身看到航天飞机的地方. 因为每天往往会有世界各地慕名而来的游客前往, 非常热闹。

It is the only place in the United States and world that you can see the space shuttle in person. Thousands of tourists come and visit the museum because of this reason.


航天飞机勇往号(Space Shuttle Endeavour)

除了展示勇往号之外, 馆内还展示太空总署控制室, 太空用的厕所和航天飞机用的轮子等展示,参观加利福尼亚科技中心,看一下宇宙飞船,思考一下科技的奥秘,这是一种很特别的经历,这真是一个寓教于乐的展览馆,非常适合我们乐仑彩票的课堂。

In addition to showing “Endeavour”, the museum also displays NASA's control room space toilets and wheels for space shuttles. Visiting the California science and technology center, and take a look at the spacecraft, thinking about the mysteries of science and technology, this is a very special experience! It is really a fun exhibition hall, very suitable for our “Chun Wing” children to visit.





Pebble Beach golf course, California, U.S.

It was a pleasure to return to the United States Pebble Beach Golf Course in California which was open in 1919. The stadium is famous for its design and challenging, and it is like an American dream, a place for heroes to rise. The sea is connected with the sky with beautiful scenery. The original ecology provides an excellent view of the course, and the management team worked hard to protect the original ecology and the environment is the key to success. With a core concept of "sustainable development", Pebble Beach Company has set up a green team composed of regional representatives from the resort village, aiming to reduce man-made damage to the ecology. This is similar with our school concept, our school advocates environmental education, cultivates children's sense of social responsibility and moral responsibility, to make people aware of the ecological balance is the basis and value of human interests.







  In the atmosphere of humanistic education in America, our school supervisor had a dream: One day our students were wandering in the campus and visiting the art hall, it would be wonderful! It is the dream of school supervisor, and also the dream of all Chun Wing students. She believes that dream will come true if we work together and insist our educational philosophy. Our students will be able to enter such an excellent University and become talents! She is looking forward to the day!

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